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The easiest and safest way
to invest in U.S. real estate.


How to Be Part of Growie

1. Create Your Account

Provide basic information about yourself, including KYC verification, which allows you to invest, purchase, and hold real estate tokens.

The process is fast, easy, and secure.

2. Choose a Project

Select the opportunity that suits your investment goals from the wide range of projects from the United States offered by Growie.

Invest via bank transfer or USDC.

3. Enjoy Your Growth

Track the project's development progress with just a few clicks. Every time your project distributes earnings, you will receive your profits directly in your account.

From anywhere, worry-free.

Every Investment Is a Step Toward Your Future

Your first investment is just the beginning of your experience. Growie offers its accredited investors three types of investments:

New Developments

Rental Projects

Debt Projects

Still have questions?

Visit our Frequently Asked Questions section and learn how to maximize the benefits of our tokenized real estate platform.